
Imagine all the tremendous opportunities that could be provided to our students if each Horizon family joined PAWS for the small annual $30 Membership Fee! Thank YOU! We provide a welcome back teacher breakfast, PBIS for students, teacher appreciation week, and (5) $1,000 scholarships to senior students which they can apply to win!

Join Online

If you have not joined for the 2024-2025 school year, Click Select next to Annual Membership to make your annual donation and join our cause!


You may see an option at checkout for an additional percentage contribution that goes to our non-profit secure payment partner (Zeffy).  This additional contribution is 100% OPTIONAL.  If you would like to avoid making an additional contribution to our partner, when checking out you will see a drop down where it suggests a 17% ($5.10) contribution.  Select the “‘Other”  option and specify a contribution amount of $0. Thank you!

Becoming a member is that easy!
For more information about PAWS Membership, please email us(click here).